Please follow the instructions below to ensure the best results.
After the procedure, rinse with chlorhexidine 2 twice a day to expedite the healing process.
Do not smoke for at least 3 days after the deep cleaning.
If bleeding occurs, a clean piece of gauze, fold it thick enough to bite on and place it directly over the bleeding area on the gum tissue. However, if heavy bleeding occurs, please call the office. (Sometimes a lot of saliva and a little blood can look like a lot of bleeding).
While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite your cheek, lip, or tongue. Avoid eating until the numbness subsides. It is normal to have some muscle tenderness where the injection was given.
Gently brush and floss as normal using a soft toothbrush. Sensitivity may occur after treatment. Use sensitivity toothpaste daily. Make sure to floss extremely well after your deep cleaning.
Eat only soft foods for 1 day after procedure. Drink plenty of water. Avoid carbonated or hot beverages. Avoid foods that tend to shred easily or have the ability to get stuck between teeth or gums (i.e. beef jerky, broccoli, popcorn, chips, nachos, etc.)
You can take over the counter pain meds (Tylenol, Ibuprofen) if you have pain. It should go away in 1-2 days.
When plaque is on your teeth and below your gums – the only way to have it removed is at the dentist. On the other hand, you can now prevent it from forming in the first place by doing good oral hygiene.
After 4 months come back to help prevent any calculus and plaque that may have came back.